Chiropractic is a whole body healing art. Chiropractors not only work with the spine, but also adjust the joints of the extremities, the cranium, the viscera and soft tissues depending on the needs of the patient. Chiropractic does not rely on drugs or surgery in the healing process. Instead, Chiropractic safely and gently stimulates your body's natural ability to heal itself from the inside out.


Besides relieving pain due to skeletostructural abnormalities, one of the most important ways Chiropractic improves your health is by helping your body to communicate properly. You see, your central nervous system, found in your spine, is the body’s communications hub. Messages from your brain travel through the nervous system to the rest of your body. But injury, stress, or even day-to-day wear and tear can actually interfere with normal communications, and wreak all kinds of havoc-including pain and headaches...and even seemingly unrelated problems like asthma or allergies.


As opposed to traditional medical care, which tends to treat just the symptoms - (and with the risk of a bunch of unpleasant side-effects, too!) - Chiropractic gets right to the heart of the matter. It works to gently and naturally restore the body to its natural state of health. By restoring motion, proper nerve flow and by eliminating misalignments in the vertebrae or other skeletal abnormalities, an individual can again experience the wonder and joy of a healthy, higher quality life.